north st. deli

Fast · Fresh · Delicious

Day 921 Leap year

Happy 29th of February! Time is amazing when you think about it. We time keep so much and never think about how time came to be. We started by using sun dials and now we have milliseconds. We’re constantly finding new ways to cut times on tasks to be quicker but what do we do with our spared time? We live our lives by the clock to arguably an unhealthy degree.


Thai spiced chickpea curry

Ginger + lemongrass rice

Leek, tomato + black olive pasta

Soup: Roast pepper + bean

Day 920 Happily angry

I can understand that the deli dynamic might not be what you’re used to when you frequent an establishment. I gave up on traditional customer service a long while ago because it didn’t work in my favour. My demeanour might come across angry at times but I find it’s the best way to avoid unwarranted conversation. I relish in the ambiguity of my emotions.


Cauliflower + mung bean curry

Ginger + coconut rice

Squash, tomato + basil pasta

Black eyed beans + beef ragu

Soup: Spinach, Potato + rosemary

Sandwich: Milano salami, Fontina cheese, Jalapeno relish + tomato

Day 919 Do you

I really think the general under 30 population in the UK should change their outlook on life. You don’t need to find your vocation, get on the property ladder or find your soulmate to be content. You could get made redundant even if you are good at your job, interest rates are not in your favour and your soulmate is a figment of your imagination. Do whatever you want and stop comparing because the grass isn’t greener on the other side.


Black eyed beans + roast peppers

Cumin + spinach rice

Bacon + leek ragu pasta

Baked veggie pasta

Soup: Lightly spiced cauliflower + potato

Day 918 Nom nom nom

Not the best start to the week, I woke up an hour late. This should have sent my day into a chaotic mess but I pulled my socks up and managed to set up the shop in record time! I need to re-evaluate my habits because I feel i’m regressing slightly. I need structure and less of the ‘life’s tough and I deserve it’ mentality, basically I’m eating my feelings and I have a lot of feelings, so i’m eating a lot. Ja feel?


Chilli non carne

Spinach + herb rice

Super greens + tomato pasta

Soup: Mushroom + chive

Sandwich: Mortadella ham, Provola Picante, Chilli relish + tomato

Day 917 Gassed up

I have zero patience on Friday’s but it’s for your benefit. If I engage in conversation I will make mistakes and you won’t be pleased when your panini isn’t the way you like it so let’s save the pleasantries and get on with it. I came to work lacking inspiration but my morning crowd really gassed me up and now i’m ready for whatever… I think.


Braised ginger + cumin chickpea

Rainbow rice

Cauliflower + pumpkin seed pesto pasta

Back lentil + potato with paneer

Soup: Med veg lentil

Sandwich: Parma ham, Pecorino cheese, Red onion relish + tomato

Day 916 Watch me read you

I love anthropology. The study of humans is not to be undermined, I can pick up of your ticks, icks and general habitual tendencies because i’m observant. Don’t be afraid, I won’t use my knowledge to hurt you, at least not on purpose (most of the time). However if your ask me how I worked out ‘X’ I will never be able to verbalise the mind map I use which just makes me look like a psycho.


Beetroot goulash

Lemon, dill + turmeric rice

Veggie pasta bake

Soup: Indian spiced lentils

Day 915 Remember Hitler was liked at one point

As I was waiting in the corner shop queue I browsed the headlines of the various red band newspapers. The same stories reported differently to adhere to the target audience. It’s not journalism, it’s indoctrination and propaganda. We know this, we learn about persuasive writing in school so when debating someone that has opposing views to your own you should ask for their sources. If they say Daily Mail, bury them and move on.


Indian spiced black lentils

Ginger + turmeric rice

Tomato, Basil + French bean pasta

Cheesy bake with multiseed croutons

Soup: Indian spiced vegetables

Sandwich: Fennel salami, Fontina cheese, Jalapeno relish + tomato

Day 914 TFL

I’ve had to take the tube a few times recently. I find the tube distressing and depressing so I try to avoid it but on my recent trips I’ve had a different outlook. I love watching the eye tango that takes place. You want to look, inspect your surroundings but you don’t want to be caught staring so you tactically move your eyes around the carriage, you don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. Next time I might just pick a victim and hold eye contact for a few stops.


Med veg + green lentils

Red pepper rice

Mushroom ragu pasta

Sausage, ham + potato braise

Soup: Spiced squash

Day 913 Night owl

I decided to have a little nap yesterday and it turned into a 5 hour sleep. So while you were all in dreamland last night I was pottering around trying not to waste my Sunday when it was in fact Monday morning. Even at 2am my creative flare was on top form and I produced a flavourful ramen, top tier midnight snack.


Aubergine + black bean

Ginger + soya rice

Broccoli, chilli + garlic pasta

Coconut curry with sweet potato

Soup: Sweet potato + ginger

Sandwich: Spicy salami, Smokey mozzarella, Spicy peach relish + tomato

Day 912 Family feud

My sandwich lady is stuck at home waiting for Dreams to deliver so Mother and I must brave the Friday rush. I say this, I have to brave working with my Mother. If you want to see the most dramatic arguments about how to slice an avocado or cut piece of cheese. I suggest leaving the kids at home because there’s going to be a lot of swearing on shop floor.


Thai coconut curry

Lemongrass rice

Beef ragu pasta

Pasta e fagioli

Soup: sweet potato + ginger

Sandwich: Fennel salami, Provola cheese, chilli relish + tomato

Day 911 In my head

I take in a lot of information on a daily basis so my mind is always working overtime. I live in my head, I can conduct a complex conversation and not be present. Sometimes I attempt to live in the now but there’s too many moving parts that are out of my control so I end up reverting back to my mental wonderland. I’m aware this is abnormal, i’m lucky I have Dragon by my side because she’s a fantastic translator between me and the real world.


Red pepper + white bean

Rosemary + garlic rice

Smokey aubergine + tomato pasta

Soup: Velvet mushroom

Day 910 From your secret admirer

The Romans worshipped many Gods so when Saint Valentine started marrying star crossed lovers under the eyes of the Lord he was martyred, RIP. Today is not the day to celebrate your relationship (or in most cases situationship) but to shoot your shot at that person who you’ve always wondered ‘what if?’. Don’t be afraid of rejection, it’s part of life so live a little but for f*ck sake celebrate the day for the right reasons not because you’re a slave to capitalism.


Peri peri cauliflower + split peas

Ginger + spring onion rice

Sausage + ham pasta

Chicken + mushroom ragu with polenta croutons

Soup: Lightly spiced lentil

Sandwich: Milano salami, Chilli pecorino, chilli relish + tomato

Day 909 I wouldn't change a thing

Today is shrove Tuesday, known to the pagans as pancake day. The idea behind this is that you need to use up the eggs and butter in your house to prepare for the 40 days of lent. You should strip back your day to day luxuries and work on yourself, realign with the bare necessities in life. Or, you can just have pancakes for dinner and go on as you already do and continue being the version of yourself that we all tolerate because self criticism is a skill that very few possess. You’re perfect just the way you are.


Moroccan lentils

Sumac rice

Mushroom ragu pasta

Soup: Lightly spiced broccoli + potato

Day 908 Not a fan of living

I had a lovely weekend which has left me feeling optimistic about the week ahead. I’d love to try and stay on top of my work and responsibilities this week. I’ve been napping a lot recently and I think it’s my way of avoiding life. Who stayed up to watch the Superbowl? I don’t know if you saw but Taylor Swift was there! OMG she’s just the best isn’t she?!


Chilli non carne

Spinach + herb rice

Roast pepper + tomato pasta

Soup: Five spice vegetables

Sandwich: Cumberland sausage, Cheddar cheese, Apple & ale relish + tomato

Day 907 Period.

My body has been working against me this week. I pride myself on having a high pain threshold but yesterday took the biscuit. There’s nothing like being in the midst of a conversation and your ovaries just decide to start screaming and you have to suck it up and keep a straight face. You’d have no patience too if your body was beating the shit out of you from the inside out. What will I be doing this weekend? Wishing I had testicles.


Five spiced veg + aduki bean

Miso + soya rice

Roast squash ragu pasta

Teriyaki tofu noodles

Day 906 Sigh and move on

I would love to stop and chat but i’ve spent my morning nattering away and now i’m behind on my daily duties. I love a good pessimistic chat, where you’re able to find the comedy in the disjointed and unorganised state of the world. I love chatting conspiracy theories and political affairs. Though the reality is depressing it’s way more interesting then your love life.


Gungo peas with jerk jackfruit

Lemon + chive rice

Cauliflower + pumpkin seed pasta

Mushroom + potato braise

Soup: Carrot, beetroot + potato

Sandwich: Garlic salami, Provola cheese, Chilli relish + tomato

Day 905 Fashionista? Barely know her!

I hate shopping. When I was a duckling my mother would drag me around and put me in the most uncomfortable garments in the hopes that I would inherit her incredible fashion sense. This backfired because now I live and breath sports wear. I put off buying new clothes until it becomes an absolute necessity because the crowds, bright lights and shop assistants are some of the ingredients in my nightmares.


Black bean + sweet potato coconut curry

Miso + ginger rice

Baked bacon pasta

Soup: Spiced chickpea

Day 904 Seething in the dungeon

I’m so uninspired on this windy Tuesday. It’s so difficult to find something positive to talk about. I put my thinking cap on and now i’m just in a pit of despair. Alas, the world keeps turning and I have a job to do, so I can’t hide in the basement all day. Lucky for me, my Mother is a culinary genius who knows how to chef up a meal that will pacify my thoughts.


Chickpea + aubergine braise

Red pepper rice

Bacon, artichoke + tomato pasta

Cheesy croutoned bake

Soup: Leek, dill + potato

Sandwich: Pastrami beef, Goats cheese, Shredded beetroot relish, mustard + tomato

Day 903 For God's sake do something

My mind is discombobulated today. I have a ton of work to do and yet i’ve sat at my desk for the past half hour just watching the time pass. I could blame this behaviour on neurodiversity but that would just be an excuse for my short comings. Thing is, if I don’t put in the work no one else will so i’m hoping the idea of the stress I will have to encounter will inspire me enough to put my mind, body and soul into 3rd gear.


Braised borlotti beans + mushroom ragu

Spinach + herb rice

Tomato, basil + french bean pasta

Med veg + halloumi

Soup: Spiced lentil

Sandwich: Speck ham, Fontina cheese, Spicy peach relish + tomato

Day 902 Gotta get through this

All I have to do is get through the day. I did not stop yesterday and that has left me yearning for my bed. As I unpacked the bread order this morning all I could see was the literal mountain of work I have committed myself to. Game face on I’m ready to carpe diem bitches.


Med veg lentils

Sumac rice

Sausage + ham pasta

Soup: Sweetcorn + tomato

Sandwich: Roast lamb, Manchego cheese, Spicy peach relish + dill pickles