north st. deli

Fast · Fresh · Delicious

Day 1001 Lazin' on a sunny afternoon

It’s been docile this morning, other than the intrusion from a muted crackhead (could have been a different substance but he wasn’t very responsive so I can’t address him accordingly). Though this city struggles with the heat i’ve been basking in the sunsets with Moose. I much prefer the leisurely sunny evenings to the freezing misery of winter.


Thai spiced coconut curry with black beans

Broadbean + leek rice

Puttanesca pasta

Soup: Chilled Gazpacho

Day 1000

I know I should make some noise about this being the 1000th post but all I can think is ‘Jesus! 1000 posts?’. I’m glad I decided to start documenting my thoughts, feelings, deli antics and passive aggressive rants (for the past 4 years at least). One day when the deli is dead and gone I will look back at the posts, reminisce, like you do with home videos and family photos but for now all I can think about is how much we’ve endured and how much is yet to come. Here’s to another 1000 days (of misery, pain and anger surrounded by twisted happiness)!


Med veg chickpeas

Spinach + herb rice

Sausage + ham pasta


Soup: Gazpacho

Sandwich: Cooked ham, Pecorino cheese, jalapeno relish + tomato

Day 999 Scent of summer

Happy mythical Monday my people! It’s gonna be a scorcher this week. Sounds nice until you hop on TFL and smell the collective body odour of the population. We put in work this weekend but I still managed to find some peace in the Surrey countryside. Amazing how much the atmosphere changes as soon as you leave the chokehold of the M25.


Black lentil curry

Ginger + turmeric rice

Roast pepper + tomato pasta

Beetroot salad with dill + parmesan dressing

Soup: Chilled Gazpacho

Sandwich: Chorizo, Manchego, Jalapeno relish + tomato

Day 998 Panini o'clock

Last night was top tier. The game was shite but the atmosphere was superb. But that is a distant memory now because the suns out and the crowd is hanging which means one thing…we’re about to be inundated with sandwiches. Also, just a light rant. Panini means sandwich in Italian so when you ask for panini bread you sound foreign.


Chickpea coconut curry

Ginger + crispy shallot rice

Mushroom, bacon + tomato pasta

Many bean salad with parmesan dressing

Soup: Chilled Gazpacho

Sandwich: Spicy salami, Provola cheese, Spicy peach relish + Tomato

Day 997 Game on

I knew that this week was going to be intense but I didn’t quite realise how much I’ve packed in. I woke up this morning and tried to schedule in naps to fuel the ungodly work load I have ahead but alas there’s no time. Plus tonight will be the opposite of R&R as we are venturing to South Ken to watch the Italy game. FORZA ITALIA!


Five spiced veg + black bean

Crispy tofu rice

Smokey aubergine + tomato pasta

Crab stick rice noodle salad with Korean dressing

Soup: Spinach, pea + potato

Sandwich: Speck ham, Provola cheese, Spicy peach relish + tomato

Day 996 Freak like me

Yesterday was so jam packed with unexpected activity and antics that I’ve woken up in a bit of a blur. I need a heavy dose of white noise while just staring into nothingness because I feel a little pulled apart. I would love a Freaky Friday scenario so I could see how someone else would handle my day to day life and vice versa.


Peri peri cauliflower + split peas

Carrot + dill rice

Spinach, pea, mint + roasted garlic pasta

Soup: Leek, potato + chives

Day 995 Plain and simple

Due to the fact I have an emotionally and sometimes physically draining job I struggle to make plans in advance. Don’t ask me what i’m doing on Friday because that all depends on what shit my shift throws at me. If I do make plans with you, know that i’ve figured out the logistics and made a plan, if these plans change last minute, i’m out.


Moroccan spiced lentils

Sumac rice

Sausage + ham pasta

Mushroom salad with croutons and parmesan dressing

Soup: Spiced chickpea + red lentil

Sandwich: Pastrami beef, Chilli pecorino, Chilli relish + tomato

Day 994 Knuckle down

Happy Monday, looks like there will be a whisper of summer this week! It really feels like we’ve reached the halfway point of the year, i’m looking at the next 6 months and trying to put my plans in order. As it stands I have a list of things i’d like to achieve this year but with no strategy to execute. Adulting is overrated.


White bean + roast peppers

Spinach + herb rice

Mushroom + tomato pasta

Potato salad with cured bacon crumb

Soup: lightly spiced squash + chickpea

Sandwich: Fennel salami, Provola cheese, Jalapeno relish + tomato

Day 993 Respect the grind

Happy Friday my people. The day is looking stressful but doable and that’s all we can ask for. We have so much work to do I’ve started writing things down because i’m convinced I’m due for a mishap. All I have to do is keep my head down and not get distracted by the characters that waltz through the door. Easier said then done i’ll tell ya!


Braised chickpea + squash

Rainbow rice

Roast pepper + tomato pasta

Day 992 Die another day

Procrastination is a killer. I get so caught up in figuring out my every move that I end up talking myself out of it. Anything, any small task or social occasion and god forbid tfl is involved. I get so caught up in logistics that’s it’s just easier to sweep it all under the rug and wait for another day. But we’re not promised tomorrow.


Black lentil + aubergine curry

Lemon + coriander rice

Cauliflower + sunflower seed pesto pasta

Chicken, bacon, potato + leek braise

Soup: Roast squash + tomato

Sandwich: Chorizo, Manchego, Chilli relish + tomato

Day 991 Harsh truth

The truth is a bitter pill to swallow and once it’s administered there’s no going back. I’m your local flat white therapist, I have no degree but a whole lot of life experience and if you’re ever in need I can be a friendly stranger for you to unload your problems onto and perhaps through conversation we can find some way of moving forward rather then regressing on the past.


Chilli non carne

Cumin roasted spinach rice

Roast squash ragu pasta

Sandwich: Speck ham, Pecorino cheese, Jalapeno relish + tomato

Day 990 Automatic

Even if I wanted to relax I don’t think I could. I have no control as soon as I roll up the blinds, by the time it gets to 9am I’ve had more conversation then the average person probably has in their entire day. I come into work half asleep like a normal person but somehow my brain has found a way to itself into gear without any kind of gameplan, you just have to get on with it.


Chickpea + jackfruit curry

Red pepper rice

Leek, black olive + tomato pasta

Beetroot, chickpea + dill salad

Soup: Mild vegetable madras

Day 989 Summertime

British summertime is something else. I get it we live in the northern hemisphere and scientifically the weather makes sense but how are the people expected to smile when there’s drizzle in June? The British were born to be miserable. It’s set to be the wettest summer in years, you can add my tears to the rising sea levels.


Med veg lentils

Spinach + herb rice

Sausage + ham pasta

Soup: Lightly spiced chickpea

Sandwich: Mortadella ham, Raclette cheese, Spicy peach relish + tomato

Day 988 Happy to be here

I had a night of pure nostalgic joy with Dragon so my good mood is due to that illustrious creature. It’s been another jam packed morning (it was actually a bacon packed morning but I don’t think that’s one of the ye olde English phrases). On a different note, could you look under you sofa pillows and see if you have any spare change, we’ve been having to give £1 in 20p’s and that’s a heavy weight that no one needs!


Chickpea + sweet potato curry

Miso + spring onion rice

Mushroom + tomato pasta

Sandwich: Pulled pork, Cheddar cheese, Kimchi slaw + BBQ mayo

Day 987 Discombobulated

I haven’t really felt present this week, everything has moved so fast it’s been hard to keep up but it’s been enjoyable. Today has consisted of so many different conversations my mind is discombobulated (such a great word) I need a heavy influx of sandwiches to come in so I can put my mind in game mode.


5 spiced black bean

Tofu + crispy shallot rice

baked veggie pasta

Panzanella style salad with feta dressing

Soup: Sweetcorn, ginger + potato

Day 986 Glass half full

It was a rush from the get go this morning and we only have half the team but Frankie and I were like Jordan and Pippen and smashed it! We still have the rest of the day to conquer but i’m optimistic. Who knows what the rest of the day has in store, no doubt there’s chaos yet to come!


Braised white beans, tomato + rosemary

Mediterranean styled rice

Smokey aubergine pasta

Potato + tomato salad with tahini dressing

Soup: Cumin roasted potato + spinach

Sandwich: Fennel salami, Provola cheese, Chilli relish + tomato

Day 985 Checked out

I think I need to invest in more me time. I spend so much time calculating and analysing when i’m with people and there’s no point. People are and will always be strange to me, taking in everyone’s quips and quirks is draining so today i’m going to checkout.


Chickpea + cauliflower curry

Sweetcorn + ginger rice

Sausage + ham pasta

Potato + crab stick salad with Korean dressing

Soup: Sweet potato, ginger + tomato

Day 984 Get a move on

Something has been tickling my eye all morning and I still can’t find the culprit. I’m playing catch up as I’ve spent my morning doing up chatty patty. I need to get my head in the game. The leisurely morning crowd has been so tranquil that my mind has forgotten that I have a relatively intense job that waits for no one.


Mexican beans

Lemon + rosemary rice

Broccoli, chilli + garlic pasta

Chickpea + sweet potato with mango lime pickle dressing

Soup: Tuscan tomato

Sandwich: Spicy salami, gorgonzola, caramelised onion relish + tomato

Day 983 Get it while it's hot

Even with the misery clouds in the air we’ve managed to have an idyllic morning. We’ve been frequented by some funny punters this morning which has really pumped my mood. I may have underestimated how busy we are going to be, I may have forgotten it was Friday, I may be in a bit of a panic about the amount of bread I’ve ordered. I know you’re probably hanging out your nether regions but if you want your deli fix it’s now or never people.


Chickpea + sweet potato curry

Ginger + spring onion rice

Bacon + leek pasta

Med veg with halloumi

Soup: Lightly spiced veg

Day 982 B*tch don't kill my vibe

Its been a slow morning which has left lot’s of room for natter. I love when we’re in the midst of conversation then a new player enters the room and rather than stopping the banter they join in. The vibes have been top notch. I’m so blessed to be surrounded by colleagues who’s presence I genuinely enjoy. Big live, laugh, love antics.


Braised squash + black eyed peas

Spinach + herb rice

Cauliflower + cashew pesto pasta

Roast carrot salad with feta dressing

Soup: Indian spiced tomato

Sandwich: Speck ham, Provola, chilli relish + tomato