north st. deli

Fast · Fresh · Delicious

Day 778 Accept when you can't

I’ve always had the mentality where if life isn’t worth living you should make changes in an attempt to improve your situation. For example, if you let work run your life you should sift through what’s necessary and what’s extra but I find it hard to say no to work. If someone is having a BBQ or a christening and they want our food on their table it’s a little arrogant for me to say no. So i’ll move around personal appointments to accommodate someone else’s schedule even if it’s to my detriment and I don’t know why I do this because for the most part, I don’t like people.


Moroccan spiced lentils

Lemon rice

Courgette, pea + spinach pasta

Halloumi + potato concoction

Soup: Gazpacho