north st. deli

Fast · Fresh · Delicious

Day 1141 Foot in mouth disease

Yesterday turned out to be a perfectly lovely day, maybe in future I won’t shit on Tuesday’s as a whole, I’ll just take each one as it comes. We’re a little less busy at the start of the year so there’s more time for me to engage in conversation which isn’t great. Contrary to popular belief i’m more of an introvert. I think it comes from the PTSD of past interactions. I do have a filter but sometimes said filter gets a little corroded and I end up letting out sentences like ‘don’t worry your moustache doesn’t make you look like a nonce’ and while the deli crowd is liberal, I know the majority don’t want small talk about paedophilia with their sandwich.


Peri peri cauliflower + split peas

Dill + spring onion rice

Mushroom ragu pasta

Soup: Sweet potato + ginger